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OCR: Company Fredect Target CPUs sopperies Lungunges supported Typical ROM required min, in X Typical ROM required max, in Typical RAM required max, in K Misa2D and other TI osPs, Shard Typkol RAM required min, in Min. RAM required per task in bytes Multitasking skatksy lypkel context switch time Round robin, time shice, fired pr orbs In clock cycles Edinburgh, Scookind 1:14 0131 662 4333 faces dan deram caly alter po conos Accelerated Technology, inc. Nudeus 29K .63K, 68HC 11;ARMA -1960, Mobile, AL MIPS, MPCHU: 175PmeIPCOAL Round robin, time slice, tasks cin dynam 1800) 458.6853 Yes, ColdFire, TM6320 and other Tl wally ather grice bies cooperatity mulli- DSPS. SHE SPARC, CHOK. 118. tasking. proprietary CRIEA 168. 32A Driveway (1000 327-8820 Alacron Ing. NaHis, PIT FastTrack and ADI SHASC 2106x Fast Track Il Fortran 2.000 : 8.000 Cooperalive multitasking, proprietary (603) 891-2750 www.wscion.com Ronix 6198457:2700 Real-Ture protected mode C Fixed priority, rate monstorie scheduling RAVEN Applied Dyramks Intt C. Fortran Ford priontys que monotonie scheduling 734) 973-1390 Avocat Systemhs !! 2500AD Software ANSY'S Rett- 05816 CHIC08/11/12/16. 00196. . Teeth sicet lined priceity ROCKOOIL, MIĘ Tims GS andch, scat and derovnsvra). 640 0.0 .640 (and) 448-8500. 806 1X4 28 280/2180/2001300. 28000, Super8, 5908: 6901, 6806; C18.C19. MC-24, 80166.80515 Berkeley Software :86 protected modex 86 real miode ,. Adk, assembly: 2048. 2.048 2.0-18 : 2.048 Design Inc ... SPARC, UTHSPARC C. Cur, Forthe cooperative muttasking, proprietary Feetran. Lava, www.tedi. com/esp Cobalt Targetos Assemb y. C . , 40 42 (0000 323-1758 Ing BSQUARE Comp 3.192 7.048 8,192 (425)519 -900 tocted model xsh reil miode C++, Java www .. bog fare.com Bytebed Integrated 025 0.5. ColdFire, H8, 850 :VALES 7700) Taks can oynamnicely afry priorities Systemie (800) 288-7288 Couldens DR-DOS 7.02 Adz assemble 32 300 C. C.IL, Forth, 128 :1,02061 Systein Bilder Lime slice, table cari dynamically sher pa 1601) 765-4999 Kit Fortran, Jave Framingham, MA CMX RJX monit Assembly. C. Time shoe, fixed prionty, sacks can. (5080 872-7675 dynamicaly alter prontirs Condir. Systemt Technologies Assembly 60 50 9. 500 05 'Round robin, ilne sice, fixed priority, proprietary Concurrent Computer Corps Powerworks 16MB wines +: Round robin, lime shee, fixed priority. :25 tasks com dynamically alter prionties, rate -peer 2001 655 45-14 Environment mondon't scheduing. cooper ttive ahtu- tasking Ciaotus Solutions Assembly. C. Sevanes -56 - Round Robin, lime sce. Cred priority. vanes Strimywie, (400) 5-2-930) stack : tasks can dynamically alter prionuss, cooperative rakttitanskin, proprietary 17500,75% , 68K, 800 660, MIPS: Ada, assembly Round robin, timeshos, fixed prianty. :400 (602)275-2172 Compier SPARON 26:28. 20012180 mates can alter priorities, rate monotonic Systems scheduling, cooperative mustasbing DSProulists GmbH DSP:06 DSP6300 tamlly (Motore ut Prophetun 49 130) 457 805 0 C. C ., Forth, Fortran, Java Com 'Cphti tes protected mode escal Ada, assembly, Round robin, bme slice, fixed prionty, 350 tasks can diptamkaly alter priorities (200).041-3455. Fortran Java cooperzi ve multitasking. proprietary